This has got to be the worst sounding speaker I have ever used on a phone. And its not a "lemon" as I took it back to the store and tried several other Inspires to see if they were any better. Good to know that HTC still sucks in this department. Don't get me wrong, its great otherwise but the speaker on this thing is a joke.
Music is tinny, and the volume is low. Ringtones are not audible unless you're in a quiet room (forget about it in a room with the slightest bit of noise going on), and the speakerphone itself is awful. Its really muffled and you can barely hear it. Its a phone first, and this thing fails big time in the sound category. I cannot believe in 2011 a speaker could be this bad on a phone. I actually use speakerphone for calls and this is a complete fail in all categories where the speaker is involved.
The Earpiece volume sucks big time too. Its too low and not nearly as loud as my blackberries and iphones.
And as usual for HTC the battery life is a joke. Can't last more than 6 or 7 hours with out being charged with modest use (and yes I've tried all of the battery tricks). If the things I've mentioned above mean anything to you then stay far away from this phone. If you want a phone with a great UI and a nice beautiful screen that is fast and responsive then by all means get this phone (that is if you don't care about the things I mentioned above).
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