Android permissions - Phone Calls / read phone state and identity

My android app has nothing to do with phone calls, but I'm seeing that when I install a debug build on my test device it requires "Phone Calls: read phone state and identity" permissions. (I make no mention of this in AndroidManifest.xml).

I'd like to have the minimum possible permissions, and wondered if anyone knew how to get rid of this? I commented out the part where I was logging some stuff from Build.MODEL, Build.VERSION.*, etc. I also commented out the part where I was detecting the landscape/portrait orientation thinking that that might be the "phone state". But neither of those seemed to remove that permission required.

I found this bug report: but it's marked working-as-intended with a note about permissions being correct from the market but not otherwise. Is this other people's experience? (I'd hate to have to publish to the market just to test that out.) Otherwise, does anyone know if there's an API I can avoid calling that will make it so my app doesn't need this permission?

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