Swype provides a faster and easier way to input text on any screen. With one continuous finger or stylus motion across the screen keyboard, the patented technology enables users to input words faster and easier than other data input methods—at over 40 words per minute. The application is designed to work across a variety of devices such as phones, tablets, game consoles, kiosks, televisions, virtual screens and more.
Good information and videos available on their "trips and tricks" page:
-What a great way to text on my Droid in vertical mode which had been impossible due to my big fat fingers until now.
-You can still type normally on the keyboard, you're not required to "swype" your words in while in Landscape mode
-Works great, love it 2 thumb input would be nice in landscape
-This does not work on the myTouch.
-It will only work on the Droid and Nexus One for now...
-Absolutely love it. Had no problems using it in either portrait or landscape mode. I had been primarily using the physical keyboard, as I found the virtual keyboard to be too inaccurate (never had issues with my Dare's virtual keyboard), but I think that's about to change...Swype is awesome!
-I'd have to rate Swype as one of the top apps for the Droid, at this time! It actually makes me want to enter text, instead of dreading it.
-Best part about swype is that in potrait mode it's big enough that i can also enter text the old fashion way
-One complaint though. when I hold down and delete a word, it make a sound. Even on vibrate. I dislike that.
-So far I'm loving swype. Best typing program out there that I've used so far
-I agree, love it, love it, love it. One thing that I would like to add/change is first letter capitalization. I really miss that from the stock keyboard. Otherwise, its great!
-Sadly I don't think that they will be releasing this on the Android Market.
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